Wellbeing Services
Access Bars
Duration: 60 minutes
A relaxing treatment that calmly clears away the clutter in the mind by accessing 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, release old, stuck energy in the brain to create new pathways in your life. Aids sleeps, health, weight, money, relationships, anxiety and stress.
This technique is incredibly relaxing and helps to dissolve unwanted negative thinking.

$95.00 inc GST
AromaTouch Therapy with Essential Oils
Duration: 60 minutes
The AromaTouch Technique uses a combination of doTerra pure therapeutic-grade essential oils chosen for their medicinal and therapeutic effects. Using smooth rhythmical hand movements the oils are applied and massaged along the spine, head, ears and feet to stimulate reflexology points and energy zones.
A delightful and relaxing experience that boosts the immune system, assists inflammation and brings the body back into balance.

$95.00 inc GST
Combined Intuitive Reading & Reiki
Duration: 120 minutes
Includes a channelled Guided Angel Intuitive Reading, Reiki Energy Healing and Chakra Balancing. Divinely guided reading and healing leaving you feeling clear, balanced, renewed and peaceful.
Saving $25 by combining these two services.

$150.00 inc GST
Intuitive Bodywork/Massage (incl Emotional Release Trigger Point)
Duration: 120 minutes
This full bodywork session is incredibly transformative and helps to resolve internal conflict, improve energy flow, and assist in eliminating the source of discomfort created by mental, emotional or physical experiences of the past.
Using a blend of massage techniques, including emotional release trigger point therapy, where needed, this intuitive massage ensures your body receives exactly what it needs to leave you feeling stress-free, relaxed, balanced and aligned.
NB: This session requires the client to be in their underwear.

$150.00 inc GST
Sound Therapy Session
Duration: 60 minutes
Using a combination of sounds including Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, rain stick, drum, quartz crystal pyarmid, and music, this high vibrational healing penetrates into the bones to clear old trauma.
Your body is made up of 80% water and when the frequency of sound is played on and around your body, you can feel the energy shifting and the blood flowing.
One of the most profound healing techniques that vibrates throughout the whole body.

$110.00 inc GST
Lomi Lomi Massage (Hawaiian style)
Duration: 90 minutes
Women only:
Lomi Lomi massage, also known as loving hands massage, is a traditional and sacred restorative Hawaiian massage that uses continuous flowing strokes to help the body detox and let go of old patterns and behaviours which can cause stress and muscle tension.
The long flowing rhythm activates meridians and energy points, as well as improving circulation, releasing energetic blocks, rejuvenating vital organs, lymphatic drainage and cleansing, and allowing the body’s own healing process to take over.

$155.00 inc GST
Past Life Regression/Soul Retrieval
Duration: 60 minutes
You will be safely guided on a hypnotic journey, into a past lifetime to uncover and resolve traumas and misunderstandings in this lifetime and retrieve any fragments left behind.

$130.00 inc GST
Distant Guided Intuitive Reading
You will receive a detailed email with messages and guidance from your angels.
If you have a particular question that you’d like guidance on, then please enter below your birth name (not a nick-name or different first name that you use), email and question.

$80.00 inc GST
Face Reading
Duration: 60 minutes
The face is the autobiography of life and your whole body shows up in your face. In this fascinating and unique session, you will be fully seen as if for the very first time for who you authentically are, and how you expressed or suppressed your thoughts, feelings and emotions throughout your life experiences.
A beautiful way to reclaim your birth right and be in the present moment. Includes a photo split of the two left sides of your face (feminine/internal) and the two right sides (masculine/external).
Enriching the capacity of your interaction with others at the very first meeting, so your right to be human is respected and accepted by those around you.

$90.00 inc GST
Guided Intuitive Reading
Duration: 60 minutes
A unique and channelled ‘soul to soul’ reading connecting with your angels and guides to bring clarity, answers from within and soul guidance to help you get back on purpose.
Please note this is not a fortune telling reading, as you are in charge of your own free will and destiny.

$80.00 inc GST
Reiki Energy Healing
Duration: 60 minutes $95; 90 minutes $130
A non-intrusive energy healing to help clear blocks and old limiting beliefs and fears that no longer serve you. This nurturing healing energy gently sweeps away negativity and fills you up with divine light, healing and vibrant abundance.
Reiki is a beautiful and gentle technique drawing on the Universal Life Energy available to us all. Reiki helps reduce stress, helps you relax and aids the body to promote healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

$95.00 inc GST
Intuitive Body, Mind & Soul Healing
Duration: 60 minutes
Providing a total wholistic and intuitively guided treat for the body, mind and soul including crystal healing, chakra balancing, energy clearing, access points, trigger points, and sound.
All your senses are heightened as you embark on a journey within, infused with beautiful essential oils, music to calm the soul, sound therapy, nurturing touch, healing energy, and gentle clearing the mind of old limitations, leaving you feeling radiant and glowing from head to toe.