The Living Attributes Typology is my own creation and is based around archetypes and a spiritual practice which has developed over the years into lots of different aspects of your personality and practicing on a daily basis. It identifies what your four main inner archetypes are and that’s described in my first book ‘My Story, My Soul’.
The second book goes into how you actually activate that in the world and the third book is focused on women and their spirituality and how it actually works in connection to your soul, on a daily basis and how you work with that in community with your group of women.
I predominantly work with women who have done their own internal work and want to know what their husbands or partners archetypes are.
I published the book in September this year and will be publishing the next two books soon so that it’s more digestible for people to grasp the ideas and my experience of over 30 years of working with women at that level.
Working with women at the spiritual level has given me a lot of content to be able to work with and I also studied film for three years and learnt a lot about story.
So it’s stories, soul archetypes and purpose that are really my key elements, and they’re all connected.
Your story is a magical force of nature in itself and that’s why it’s so valuable to us, as it’s charged with archetypal forces so allowing your story to be used in humanity and live on beyond you is really what I teach and how that’s connected to your soul.
Archetypal codes are actually connected to your story, which is the DNA of your soul and which of course, is your purpose.
Sometimes we just have to sift through the forest to get the clarity, don’t we?
When someone purchases my book, and once they’ve started reading it, they find out what their four archetypes are and then I run a Master Class group which is really valuable because people learn so much from each other.
I’ve created the mythos at the front of the book because I really believe that you need a strong context for things to actually stick and the mythos provides a stabilising aspect of the work so that people can understand that, for example, they are the shining ones who have come here to support our planet at this point in time and there’s specific things they can learn while they’re here, and to stay awake, so there’s a story that talks about that.
It’s important for us to find those pillars that keep us moving forward right now otherwise we can really get bogged down and we need the support mechanisms in place to assist us.
It’s much more than just finding your archetype, you become a gateway for these forces. The personal brand is actually a responsibility and practice of becoming a gateway for archetypal forces and the embodiment of the physical, emotional, spiritual, and the celestial.
Who should read your books?
People who want to get in touch with their spiritual side and to be on purpose. If anybody has a longing to find out what that is, this is a great typology for that because it’s to help you connect your story and your soul with your purpose so that you begin to understand that it’s actually all one.
My archetype is the purpose Queen and I knew I had to just get on with it and write the books so that I could support more people.
When you read the book you go through a process of completing a quiz to discover which archetype you’re more aligned with, and you’ll have one in the physical, one in the emotional, one in the spiritual and one in the celestial, and then follow some of the alignment processes in the back of the book to really anchor that into your spirit.
It’s a typology that identifies things about yourself that you resonate with and sometimes your scores can be very similar or the same, so we then refer to that as an adopted archetype and it’s usually one that you’ve come in with, so if a person believes in past lives, it’s connected to that and if that’s not in their reality, it’s actually ancestral and has been passed down or there’s something to heal in your lineage.
The key is just understanding that we have this ocean of potentiality from our past lives, and if we get stuck in there in this life, it will keep presenting itself until you really get it and then, of course you can really blossom into these other archetypes that are meant for this life and then that one sort of just takes a seat back for a little bit.
When people start this work, the adopted archetype is really quite ramped up, and presents things in your life that are very persistent because each of the archetypes have light and shadow attributes that need to be corrected and transformed.
For example, if a person has an adopted healer, and they’re meant to be their authentic inner archetype in this lifetime which is the queen, the healer will feel like a victim and there’s all of these other shadow aspects that will keep presenting and wanting to rescue people and all that stuff that we all know about.
How long can all this take?
A person identifies what their inner archetypes are and which are connected to their soul in this aspect of the work and the primary attribute of each of those archetypes, For example I’m a Queen in the physical and the primary object attribute for the queen is strength and then in the emotional I’m a visionary and the primary attribute for that is beauty, and then in the spiritual I’m a divine child and the primary attribute for that is loving, and in the celestial, my higher purpose, I’m an alchemist and the attribute for that is divinity.
If I just want to really tune into who I am and my soul’s purpose, and allow things from the unified field to actually resonate with me, I just need to be strength then I need to be beauty and be loving and be divinity.
It’s a process of having to not burn off but correct and transform things that get in the way from your past or from circumstances around you in order for me to be strength, I have to overcome weakness and in order to be beauty I have to overcome what I see as ugliness and not necessarily just in myself or how people look in general, but what that attribute actually is because nature is beauty.
The same thing applies with love, you have to overcome being resentful in order to be loving and you have to overcome feeling earthbound in order to be divinity. So there’s challenges that you have to face, owning these archetypes as well but when you do that, and it’s probably one of the biggest keys is knowing what your purpose is.
My purpose is actually to be strength, to be beauty, to be loving and to be divinity and how that presents for me is writing books and creating things like systems because that’s what alchemists do and make sure that it’s beautiful as well.
It’s a valuable tool which has exercises to correct and transform these attributes as well and identify any projections from others, so that you can clear them from your energetic space. We use muscle testing to find out what the issue or imbalance is and there’s a chart with all of the attributes and you find out what needs to be corrected and transformed.
Contact Elizabeth
Facebook: Living Attributes Typology: Elizabeth Ellames
Website: Elizabeth Ellames
Directory: Living Attributes Typology